Индивидуальное или групповое. Опыт парения 7 лет под любой запрос

Баня Vivi (Rawai)

Классическое парение
Интенсивное парение для опытных любителей парения и спортсменов
Бережное женское парение

Общее время парения в парной 40-60 мин,
2-3 прогрева и основное парение с холодными вениками на голове

Идеально подходит в качестве подарка т.к. на Пхукете испытать такое — это верх эмоций и перезагрузки в теле

Предварительная запись за 1 день желательна

Контакт: Aндрей Волга (@volga_healthy)

Welcome to Real Russian Oak leaves massage. For those who are new to this concept of recovery and healing, let me introduce this unique and traditional practice of Sauna culture of Russia.

My name is Andrey, I have been practicing for last 7 years and had the opportunity to work with some celebrities like actors and athletes.

Also known as the the Russian dance of leaves is a massage with venik (Oak leafy branches)
This is a traditional Russian experience unlike any other.

Benefits :

It is recognized as powerful physiotherapy that is effective and all natural.
Essential oil from the twigs gives afresh forest-like smell that helps reduce stress.
The leaves release organic phytoncides, that decreases chances of hosting pathogens in the body.
Essential oils helps prevent premature aging of the skin.
The oak leaves contain a natural astringent, which will open your pores, remove toxins, and exfoliate dead skin.
It helps stimulates digestion.
It helps boost metabolism and improve immune system.
Heals physical and mental traumas

The entire session is roughly about 40 minutes in total.

The First session is a light warm-up of swirling of the oak leaves to prepare the body for the session.

The Secondary session begins in a seated position as the leaves swirl and sweep across the body. The heat increases by intensity of the steps we progress into and how much the body can handle.

Thirdly it is the main part of the process inside the sauna and this time it’s with the body laying on the massage bed with ice cold oak leaves covering the head to help breath comfortably

The climax of the whole process is wrapped up as you take a cold bath. You will be wrapped up Ike a cocoon in fresh towels and will need to at down for 10 minutes as the body regulates back to it’s normal temperature. This is a very crucial moment of the process as the toxins are draining out of the system and the body is transitioning into reboot mode. The flow of the energy is very powerful and sometimes unreal.

Price :1400 thb

It is an investment on health and wellness, worth every bit of the process!

Контакт: Aндрей health & happiness (@volga_healthy)

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